About CCPS

The Confederation of Construction Products and Services is a non-profit organisation which is dedicated to the sustainable growth of construction products sector by working collectively with its members and others to improve quality and efficiency in building construction.

Besides providing a common platform for construction product sector to share and resolve issues of common concern, the CCPS also facilitates interaction and exchange between the product sector and the government, the construction professionals and the consumer, bringing together the entire construction chain.

The Founder Member Companies of CCPS includes Bosch Limited, Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited, Gujarat Guardian Limited, Ozone Overseas Limited, SPL Limited (Somany Tiles), Tata Iron, Steel Company Limited (TISCO) and Asahi India glass Limited.

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Position Name Organization
President Mr. Amit Malhotra Leader, McCoy Group of Companies
Secretary Mr. Deepak Gahlowt Architect, (Convener)
Treasurer Mr. Mukesh Kumar Bhagat McCoy Group of Companies

Executive Members

Organization Member
GSC Glass Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Sharanjit Singh, Chairman
Gold Plus Glass Industry Ltd. Ms. Sheetal Khanna, General Manager
Ozone Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Alok Aggarwal, Director
Dow Chemical International Pvt. Ltd. Mr. S Ravishankar, Technical Manager
Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Shoaib Sheikh, National Head - Project Business
Asahi India Glass Ltd. Mr. Shailesh Ranjan, Head - Technical, Business Planning, Operations
Envint Services Mr. Venugopal R, Manager – Built Environment

CCPS Initiatives

The CCPS is currently focussing its work on four thrust areas, which have been identified as common concerns of the construction products sector.

Product Standards and Codes of Practice

CCPS is committed to making, updating and promoting standards and codes of practices that are relevant to Indian conditions so that users can make informed decisions about the suitability, quality and installation of products.

  • Energy Conservation Building Code 2007: CCPS has partnered with IEEC and has actively participated and contributed with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (M/o Power) and has developed the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007.
  • Published a Manual for Hand Held Power Tools: The manual proved to be highly useful to the users of power tools for selection of appropriate equipments and improve productivity and quality of various construction related activities. The manual gives ample information of the types of tools commonly available in market for doing various operations on various surfaces. Companies like MICO Bosch, Hilti Power Tools and Atlas Copco also took active participation in bringing out the publication in the year 2007.
  • Standards in Glass and Glazing industry: Confederation of Construction Products and Services(CCPS) has brought out the “Guidelines on Use of Glass in Buildings: Human Safety” through consensus approach involving all stake holders, various PWDs and other Govt. departments etc have got been released on the occasion of celebration of “155th CPWD DAY” on 12th July 2009 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi in the presence of Smt. Shiela Dixit, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Govt. of Delhi, Chief Guest, Sh. Saugata Roy, Hon’ble Minister of State for Urban Development, Guest of Honour, Sh. D.S. Sachdev, Director General of Works, Central PWD and more than thousand dignitaries and participants.Following are some of the major achievements:
    • Central Public Works Department, Govt. of India has also issued an Office Memorandum No. 129/SE(TAS)/2007/212 dated 04.08.2009 directing to follow/implementation of these Guidelines in the department throughout the country and PWD, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi to ensure safe use of glass while planning, designing and executing the buildings.
    • Government of Andhra Pradesh issued G.O. Ms. No. 205 dated 27.02.2009 to all local bodies in the state directing to ensure and follow the guidelines prepared by CCPS whenever permissions are accorded for the use of glass in buildings.- www.ap.gov.in >Govt. orders- >Select Deptt.: -Municipal Administration & UD- > Select Section : -M- > Search- > Select GO NO.205 dated 27.02.09, (Sequence ID 59554)} Download GO
    • Major Construction departments like Rajasthan Housing Board and PWD, Govt. of Manipur have issued Office Memorandums for the promotion of the guidelines.\\Town & Country Planning Deptt., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation have conveyed their concurrence and recommended to insist the conditions as per CCPS guidelines to ensure human safety while using glass in buildings vide letters dated 20.08.2008 and 31.12.2008 to the Prl. Secretary, MA & UD Deptt., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
    • Bureau of Indian Standards has decided to formulate standard on Safe Use of Glass in Buildings covering comprehensive components. A working group under Chief Engineer (CDO), Central PWD has been constituted to formulate the draft in which CCPS is also one of the members.
    • To promote the implementation of the guidelines, eight workshops were organised for various government departments in the country.
  • Manual on selection, installation and maintenance of ceramic tiles to be launched: CCPS is committed to compile and publish a handbook that would serve as a comprehensive source of information on the selection, application and maintenance of ceramic tiles in buildings and interiors. The manual would help users to understand the right methods use of ceramic tiles, help the ceramic tile industry by promoting more use of the material and help the users derive maximum value out of using ceramic tiles.


Improved and consistent quality of workmanship in installation and use of products is essential to ensure overall quality in construction. CCPS is committed in developing a brand to enhance the value of the trained worker, compiling available training resources and coordinating worker training programs on a nationwide scale.

  • CCPS was identified by Dr. Fixit Institute to manage training programmes on waterproofing for construction professionals: The motive behind organizing the training programme was to facilitate interaction and exchange between the product manufacturers, construction professionals and the consumers, in brief bringing together the entire construction chain. The scope of the programme also included to disseminate the knowledge on Waterproofing to the construction professionals as well as understand the need of the market thus facilitating the increase in quality & efficiency.
  • CCPS was identified by AIS Glass Solutions Ltd to manage training programmes on the use of glass in modern buildings across the country: The objective of the training programmes were to discuss some relevant issues relating to the selection and use of glass such as types of glass, solar and heat control through glass, sound control through glass, overview of laminated, tempered and insulated glass, etc. The training programmes prove to be useful to the professionals and others relating to the industry.
  • CCPS organised training programmes on Passive Fire Protection on behalf of 3M India Ltd. in all major cities across the country: The training programmes were all about making the professionals aware about the causes of fire and ways to prevent them in order to ensure fire-safe buildings. Some of the topics which were discussed during the training programmes were understanding the fire, system and ways to prevent fire, importance of passive protection, how to do compartmentation, how to choose a correct system, etc.
  • CCPS conducted training programmes for the contractors and the paint applicators on behalf of Birla White Limited in all the major cities across the country: The training programmes not only educated the contractors and the paint applicators on the various types of paints, its quality, the various strokes to be used, but also on the overall finish and look of the work.
  • Guidelines on Use of Glass in buildings, Human Safety: Eight workshops on “Guidelines on Use of Glass in buildings, Human Safety” were organised to highlight the importance and significance for its early implementation in the country and to acquaint the head of the organization, senior officers/engineers/architects of various government departments which includes CPWD, DDA, Airport Authority of India, PWD Delhi, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Punjab Urban Development Authority and Municipal Corporation Delhi which were attended by more than 276 participants.
  • Training has been imparted to around 1000 professionals in various sectors.
  • CCPS is contemplating to expand training of construction professionals in newer areas like masons, painters, electricians, contractors etc.

Standardisation and pre-assembly

The use of standard sized and dimensionally coordinated products as well as pre-assembled and pre-fabricated components is a proven way to increase efficiency and quality and reduce construction time on site. CCPS works to identify products or technologies that can be potentially pre-assembled and pre-fabricated, and promotes awareness regarding the benefits of standardisation.

  • Manual on Standardization of Doors & Windows Sizes for Residential Buildings: CCPS started initiative for standardising the sizes for doors & windows for residential buildings. Central PWD constituted Committee for reviewing these sizes. On the basis of CCPS recommended sizes, CPWD has published Manual on “Door & Window Details for Residential Buildings Volume-I.” CPWD also has issued an Office Memorandum dated 14.03.2006 to follow these sizes in the departments. The CCPS Doors and Windows initiative is on to develop nationwide consensus on voluntary standardisation in sizes of doors and windows and their elements.
  • Standardization of Bathrooms: Survey carried out and analysed. Codes of practice being developed.

Market Data

Market data is an important component for any industry and there is a need for compilation of data related to construction. CCPS is compiling and making available relevant data and is developing data analysis tools that can create accurate forecasts for the future.

  • Collating of Building Permit Data: The Building permit data initiative that seeks to collate information on building permit releases across the country is in process. Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi Development Authority and Jaipur Development Authority have agreed to share their permit information. Discussions are on with number of other organisations is in progress.
  • CCPS has prepared a market study report for building materials sector in India for the Canadian Government
  • Presentation to the Reserve bank of India Technical Advisory Group on development of Housing start-up index in India. CCPS has also advised the TAG on the current systems of Building Permission Process in India and the required information to be collected for formulating the index.
  • Survey of glass use in buildings for AIS Glass Solutions.

Representation of CCPS in the various Organizations & Committees

The CCPS is currently focussing its work on four thrust areas, which have been identified as common concerns of the construction products sector.

Bureau of Indian Standards: “Building Construction Practices Including Painting, Varnishing and Allied Finishes Sectional Committee CED 13”.

Bureau of Indian Standards: “Glass, Glassware and Laboratory ware Sectional Committee CHD 10”.

Working Group on Use of Glass in Buildings: Working Group on use of Glass in Buildings, CED 13 under the Chairmanship of Chief Engineer (CDO) CPWD.

Expert Committee on Use of Glass in Buildings: Expert Committee on Use of Glass in Buildings under chairmanship of Sh. P. B. Vijay, Former DG, CPWD.

CII-Indian Green Building Council: CCPS has taken the membership of CII – IGBC

National Committee on Real Estate & Housing by CII: Sh. Deepak Gahlowt, Convener CCPS is representing CCPS in National Committee on Real Estate & Housing (CII) and is actively working with other committee members.

CCPS Publications

Brought out four issues on “Construction Products in India”

Published a Manual for hand held power tools.

Guidelines on safe use of glass in buildings – human safety.

Manual on selection, installation and maintenance of ceramic tiles is in pipeline.

Manual for selection, installation and maintenance of dimensional stones to be launched.

CCPS Future Activities and Action Plans

  • Preparation of guidelines/handbook on solar water heater.
  • Preparation of guidelines/handbook on Acoustics in buildings.
  • Hardware fittings.
  • Design schedule for Hospitals under Indian conditions.
  • Data base on glass injuries in India.
  • Standardization of doors/ windows sizes.
  • Real permit data.
  • Safety in building construction.
  • Implementation of “Guidelines on use of glass in buildings – Human Safety” – Glass Project.
  • Undertaking Capacity Building Programmes for architects and builders in the country with reference to the use of glass in buildings.
  • Drafts for BIS Working Group, CED 13/WG 1, on “Safe use of Glass in Buildings” covering different components.
  • Selection of appropriate glass.
  • Hardware fittings.
  • Acoustics in buildings.
  • Professional installation of window films.
  • Installation of false ceilings.
  • Safety on construction sites.
  • Training on PPR pipes for plumbers and builders.
  • IIA joint programmes.
  • Propagation of Glass Guidelines.